Negroni Week: 5 Exciting Recipes To Celebrate With

Ojas - June 4, 2018
Image for unsobered listicle on negroni recipes

The Negroni has a reputation for being rich, versatile and one of the favoured drinks of bartenders and customers alike. So it’s no wonder that it has an entire week in its name! Bartenders have experimented with this classic so often that there are too many Negroni styles to name, but we’ll list down some of our favourites so you can whip them up to celebrate.

Classic NegroniImage for unsobered listicle on negroni recipesThis is a no-brainer – Negroni Week calls for creating some good old OG Negronis. They’re delicious, simple and a great drink to bond over your love of gin cocktails.

What you’ll need:

  • 44 ml Campari
  • 44 ml sweet vermouth
  • 44 ml gin
  • Orange twist for garnish


  1. Pour all ingredients into a glass filled with ice
  2. Stir well
  3. Garnish with orange and serve

Unusual Negroni

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There’s actually nothing in this recipe that’s especially unusual, but it is a much lighter version of the Negroni, which is usually slightly better. It switches out the Campari and sweet vermouth with the sweeter Aperol and Lillet Blanc. Sounds delicious, don’t you think?

What you’ll need:

  • 30 ml Aperol
  • 30 ml Lillet Blanc
  • 37 ml Hendrick’s Gin
  • Grapefruit slice for garnish


  1. Pour ingredients into glass filled with ice
  2. Stir well
  3. Garnish with grapefruit and serve cold

Breakfast Negroni

Image for unsobered listicle on negroni recipes

You might say a Negroni for breakfast is too early to start, but once you’ve had a taste of this you might reconsider (at least for the weekend). There’s a lot going on in this, like tea and marmalade, that you never thought possible.

What you’ll need:

  • 30 ml Campari
  • 30 ml Cinzano Rosso
  • 30 ml tea-infused gin
  • 2 tsp orange marmalade
  • 2 dashes orange bitters
  • Orange peel for garnish


  1. Stir all the ingredients and blend marmalade well
  2. Add ice and stir some more
  3. Squeeze orange zest over the cocktail
  4. Add garnish and serve

For tea-infused gin:

Put 4 tablespoons of Irish breakfast tea in a bottle of gin and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Strain the tea out prior to use.

Galaxy Negroni

Image for unsobered listicle on negroni recipes

It’s my humble, sort of uninformed opinion that bubbly makes literally any cocktail better. And if it’s Prosecco, your cocktail’s going from a 10 to an infinity pretty quick. The Galaxy Negroni does that and more.

What you’ll need:

  • 30 ml Campari
  • 30 ml Cinzano 1757
  • Cinzana Prosecco


  1. Pour the Campari and the Cinzano 1757 into a glass that’s been previously sprayed with chamomile tincture
  2. Add three more dashes of chamomile tincture
  3. Top the cocktail with Prosecco

The Beergroni

Image for unsobered listicle on negroni recipes

Of course I saved the best for last! A Negroni beer cocktail that’s worth the effort (very minimal), this drink is great for a summer day or a rainy evening. If you’re making this, be sure to invite us over, will you?

What you’ll need:

  • 1/2 shot Campari
  • 1/2 shot gin
  • 1 tbsp sweet vermouth
  • 2 tbsp orange juice
  • 1 cup lager
  • Orange zest for garnish


  1. Combine Campari, gin, sweet vermouth, orange juice in a cocktail shaker with a couple of ice cubes
  2. Shake well and strain into glass
  3. Top off with lager and serve immediately