Best alcohol TV commercials over the years

Natashaa Bandodkar - June 7, 2019
Image for unsobered listicle on liquor ads

A liquor brand should always aim to provide a good time to its consumers, and our favourite booze makers manage to do so before the drink even touches our lips! Yes, we’re talking of the quirky ads on television that sell us on their vision.

Here’s a list of some of the best alcohol TV commercials that’ll surely make you want to take a sip and go cheers.

Bud Light

While fans of Game of Thrones might have had a lot to complain about considering how Season 8 went down, this Super Bowl commercial by Bud Light was one hell of a crossover.

8PM Whisky

While seeing an Indian commercial on alcohol is as rare as a garden in a desert, this classic by 8PM Whisky is one for the memory bank. Whisky sure makes you forget all your enmity.


This beer commercial from 1999 was so popular, the comedy, Scary Movie, parodied this fun catchphrase.

Johnnie Walker

Moving on from the funny, we bring you one of the most touching commercials in recent times. This classic by Johhnie Walker sure hits the right chords and plays on the ‘keep walking’ slogan in equal measure.

Bud Light (again)

Guess the wheel wasn’t invented for the reason/purpose that it’s used today. We couldn’t resist but applaud Bud Light yet again, for its great advertising and unique take on history.


Salma Hayek is known as one of the most desirable women in the world. But have you ever wondered about what she truly desires? This Campari ad lets you know.