Why You Should Date Over Beer: 5 People Share

admin@unsobered.com - September 27, 2019

Everyone around me dates over coffee. To keep feeling secure about my beer dates, I asked 2 close friends and 3 strangers at a bar about why they date over beer. 

1. Perks of a Second Beer

I am an anxious person. It’s a big deal for me to be able to go out on a date without anxiety poking me about how I am going to mess this up. I always meet over a beer because by the second beer, conversation is usually flowing smoothly. Needless to say, my beer dates have been quite successful.

2. No Pressure, Just Gain

I always let the lady decide between coffee and beer. Meeting over beer takes away that added pressure from your head. Both of us seem more at ease and I have always had women open up more to me over beer than coffee. 
– Tanuj

3. Dude, you are fun!

Dating over beer is a 100 times better! It’s just more fun in all ways. One of my very shy dates had a great run at karaoke after a few pints while another one planned an impromptu Alibaug trip after a few rounds. I get a high from being in the company of these chhupi rustams.
– Varun

4. New City, New Beer

I love beer! And because my migraine doesn’t allow me to consume coffee or tea, I always have the perfect excuse to move all my dates from coffee to beer. For me, dating over beer allows me to explore microbreweries in whichever city I am for the month. It works out well for me (laughing)
– Pihu

5. Vetting Games

I have had my dates act shitty after a few pegs of rum or whiskey. I always go to Doolally to vet out the men by putting them in a lit board game-playing environment. Trust me, it’s the easiest way to find out if you are compatible or not!
– Garima