Things Non-drinkers Say To Piss Off Drinkers

Sanchit Khera - September 26, 2017


This is a list for all those non-drinkers out there because lately, you all have been getting on our nerves. When we call you for a night out, we intend to hang out, have a good time and leave. But some of you have figured a way to make us want to punch you right in your face. Here are all the wonderful ways in which you succeed to piss us off. Every damn time.

Peena Zaroori hai?: What? WHAT? Is eating food important to you? Would you be willing to give up water just because it makes me slightly uncomfortable? No? Awwww, too bad! Same here. Zaroori hai.

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Can you drink a little less today: Oh, I am sorry. I am sorry that my joy and a few moments of glory is such a problem for you. Boy (or girl – annoyance knows no gender) bye!

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Don’t you care about your health at all?: No. All I wanna do is jump into a bottle of really really well-aged rum and die there. Also, who is better than you to advise me on healthy lifestyle, because tons of junk food, zero exercise and judging people all day is super healthy. P.S: We can drink responsibly.

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How’s your family okay with this?: Aaah, I don’t know. Probably because I am an adult and they trust me enough with my life decisions. Have you heard of it? A thing called freedom of choice?

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It’s not going to be easy to quit: Are you mad? Do you not know me at all? I am responsible, dedicated and focused in life. Why would I ever quit booze?

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What if your partner isn’t okay with it?: Their loss, boo. But tell me this, why wouldn’t they like it? I am a lovely person when I am drunk. I am honest, brave and adventurous. I am actually even better inebriated.

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Stop it already!