7 Cocktails That Carry The Weirdest Names

Jananni Rajan - January 13, 2017

Without wasting precious time, let’s dive directly into some wackiest of wacky names that cocktails could possibly have, either making you cringe or making you want to gulp these babies. So, let’s get started bitches!

1) Fuzzy Navel: The origin of the name is pragmatic to say the least. The Peach Schnapps is what the ‘Fuzzy’ refers to, and the ‘Navel’ ties perfectly to the orange juice. Clear as crystal. But no matter how amazing the drink is, the picture that this name paints is fucking disgusting!

2) B.A.F: This all-spirit-based ‘Bad-Ass-Fucker’ cocktail certainly kicks your butt hard with a mix of Aperol, Sherry, and Scotch. This cocktail might turn you into a B.A.F yourself.


3) A Lonely Island Lost in the Middle of a Foggy Sea: Paul McGee’s cocktail from Chicago alters the whole idea of ‘tiki drinking’ on its head with its 11 word name. What the fuck were you thinking Paul? This rare named drink is nothing like its somber name.


4) Redheaded Slut: This Jägermeister, peach schnapps and cranberry juice mixture is a rage among the youth, always ready to walk that extra step towards a sloshed night. Crude as it is, let’s hope the cranberry juice gives the strong punch its name, and not a hooker.


5) Monkey Gland: This cocktail was supposedly created at Harry’s New York Bar in Paris along side other classics like the Scofflaw and the Bloody Mary. The name sounds fucked up?
Apparently, a surgeon who experimented with monkey organs inspired the cocktail! Multi-talented son of a bitch screwed up! There’s a reason we stick to one profession.


6) Goat’s Delight: Goats do not drink. We are yet to decipher the mystery behind the name but it’s definitely not for your goat. Unless you are too high, and a HIMYM fan.


7) Fat Like Buddha: This cocktail won’t make you fat. But this peaceful mixture of rum, Cointreau and Bénédictine will only push you closer to ‘Moksha.’ Next time, drown in these and if your girlfriend does not approve, just tell her that you’re trying to seek enlightenment.


So there you go bitches! Try finding these babies if their names intrigued you enough. Or else, there’s always a Long Island Iced Tea to save the day for you.