5 Tips To Make Your Drinkstagram Better

Ojas - November 9, 2017
Image for unsobered listicle on clicking photos of cocktails

Imagine this – you walk into a bar and order a drink that looks like heaven, you want to share it with the world but all your endless clicking just results in average photographs that don’t even look like the cocktail you’re having. We’ve got the tips to help take your boozy Instagram feed to the next level.

Lighting: Light is always the most important aspect of photography. Head for the natural light but not direct sunlight. Find windows that don’t let too much light in or shoot with interior lighting, but never mix. If you’re in a dark bar, finding a spot with good lighting, using candle light or asking your friend to hold up a backlight using their flashlight always helps.

Image for unsobered listicle on clicking photos of cocktails

Angles: Although zoomed in shots of drinks look really pretty, never underestimate what a drink put further away from the camera can do. A shot from 2 to 4 feet away is perfect for any drink and will help showcase the decor and ambience of the bar as well. Choose either a standard overhead 45-degree-shot, a more unique shot from below the glass or even sideways.

Image for unsobered listicle on clicking photos of cocktails

Focus: Tapping and holding on darker parts of your image helps the camera focus there and increase the brightness of your picture and vice versa. Focusing on your drink also will create depth of field – making the background blurrier and your photo much, much cooler.

Image for unsobered listicle on clicking photos of cocktails

Timing: It’s important to set your shot before the drinks arrive – you don’t want the ice to melt on you, the dry ice smoke to evaporate, a flaming cocktail to die out or extra condensation to fog up your drink. You could drop a napkin in a glass and set your phone in it, in the position you want it to be when your cocktail arrives. Once it gets there, get to clicking!

Image for unsobered listicle on clicking photos of coktails

Editing: We all know how important editing is when it comes to Instagram. Using apps like Lightroom or VSCO can enhance your pictures but don’t go too heavy on the filters either, if you don’t want them looking fake. Sharpen your images for better clarity, play with the highlights and shadows to get your perfect ‘drinkstagram’ addition!

Image for unsobered listicle on clicking photos of cocktails

Don’t forget to capture bartenders at work, use any cool props the bar offers and of course have lots of fun doing it!